
Thursday, December 13, 2012

S.M.A.R.T. Goals

In a college Leadership Class I recently took, I was given an assignment to write out a Personal Leadership Plan. 

There are 6 parts to this Personal Leadership Plan. This is the final part that I will post here on my blog.
  1. Knowing Myself
  2. Knowing my Past
  3. Vision & Mission
  4. SMART Goals
  5. Mentors
  6. Skills (Competencies) I Need
This assignment was: S.M.A.R.T. Goals:
  • Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, & Time Specific
  • Goals pertaining to each role in life

Business, Ministry, & Spiritual Goals:

2-5 Year Range

I would like to accomplish graduating with my bachelor’s degree in this time range, and then focusing on getting my master’s degree in Taxation or Accounting. After this is done I would like to start studying for my CPA (Certified Public Accountant) & EA (Enrolled Agent) exams. I would like to then sit for these exams and pass. I would like to have my first book written and published by the end of 5 years. I will organize a seminar for sharing God’s Principles on Finance & Stewardship. I will measure progress in a week-by-week format. I will categorize these goals with 10 being the most important and 1 being the least important, and then focus on the goals that are rated as 10 and knock them out of the way till I come to the least important rated as 1 (or my lowest rated goal – whatever the number is). At the middle of 5 years, I will make sure that I am 45% or higher finished with my goals. I will use the CollegePlus program or Verity Institute and their resources as a catalyst to propel me on towards my bachelor degree in accounting. Then I will probably use Liberty University to earn my Master’s Degree in Taxation or Accounting. I will use my bible, the notes in my bible, and other Christian Books to propel me towards a study on Stewardship & Finances. The goals in the area of studying will advance me because 1) I will need these classes to help me on my way towards a bachelor’s degree, 2) I will need a bachelor’s degree & possibly a master’s degree to be able to become a CPA & EA, 3) I want to become a CPA & EA in order to be able to further my work in the tax & accounting sector of business, 4) I want to further my work in the tax & accounting sector of business so that I have more knowledge, experience & stories from clients to be able to share with those that I believe I have been called to work with (which is mentioned in my vision & mission statements). Writing my first book will be a precursor to other books that I plan to write in my lifetime. The first book will give me the experience to be able to share my thoughts on paper in an articulate and persuasive way.

5-15 Year Range

I would like to accomplish passing many more exams during this time period to further distinguish myself from other practicing accountants that will help others to recognize my practice. Some of these exams are as follows: CMA Exam (Certified Management Accountant), CFM Exam (Certified Financial Manager), CFP Exam (Certified Financial Planner), CGA Exam (Certified General Accountant), ABA Exam (Accredited Business Accountant), ARA Exam (Accredited Retirement Advisor), ATA Exam (Accredited Tax Advisor), CSA Exam (Certified Senior Advisor), CTC Exam (Certified Tax Coach). These are all secular designations & Credentials. Then I would like to focus on becoming a Dave Ramsey Counselor, then become a Crown Money Map Coach, then become an advisor with Ronald Blue Company. I will continue working as an accountant during this time period. I will also hopefully be starting a mentorship with Chuck Bentley @ Crown Financial, and then with Steve Dulin @ MasterPlan Business Ministries. Again, I will use my model to measure progress in a week-by-week format. I will categorize these goals with 10 being the most important and 1 being the least important, and then focus on the goals that are rated as 10 and knock them out of the way till I come to the least important rated as 1 (or my lowest rated goal – whatever the number is). At the middle of 5-15 years, I will make sure that I am 45% or higher finished with my goals. I will need 1-2 full days a week for devoted time for studying for these tests. I will need a strict schedule and a quiet place to be able to study for these tests. I will need to study the Bible to become a Counselor, Coach, & Advisor with the different listed ministries. I will need to be able to travel around to be able to be a mentor of Chuck Bentley & Steve Dulin. Through all of this I will need a steady income to support myself in these goals which is where my job as an accountant plays into the scene. Why is this relevant to my overall vision? I would say that these goals are a crucial turning point in my ministry and vision for the future. This is where I can mold my life into the model God has for me and my ministry.

15 – 20 years

I would then like to focus on growing a tax & accounting firm to increase revenues & profits. I would then like to focus on building a model for future seminars & books that I will write. I will use the same model to measure my progress as I have in all of my other goals. I will use the abilities & gifts that God has blessed me with to be able to grow the accounting business. I will use the Bible as my starting map for the seminars & books. This is relevant because I will need the knowledge of tax & accounting as a model for the future in seminars & book writing. I will also need the income from these sources to maintain the ability to put on seminars & spend time writing books.

20 Years – till dead

At this point in my life, I would like to have a large & successful Tax & Accounting Business. I would like to write books on each of the subjects that I mentioned my Vision & Mission Paper. I would like to develop a course to lead people through each of these subjects in a biblical way. I would like to be able to successfully lead people to financial freedom and living for the kingdom of God through the way they handle their finances & are a steward with what God has entrusted to them. I will use the same model to measure my progress in this area as I have in other goals. I will use the abilities & gifts that God has blessed me with to be able to run & manage the large tax & accounting business. I will use the Bible as the Foundation to all Principles shared with others in the Biblical Worldview of Finance & Stewardship. This will accomplish my vision and mission for life here on earth.

Goals on Marriage

I would like to marry someone who is completely sold out for Christ. Someone who desires Christ above all else and will live sacrificially for the kingdom of God. Someone who is not afraid to share her faith with others but has a boldness & courage to witness to others that only God can give. Someone who is committed to living a Biblical Worldview in all areas of Life even when it becomes hard to do so and will withstand criticism to the Glory of God. I will measure success by her passion to live completely for Christ even in opposition. I will need to be seeking a strong relationship with Christ and be someone completely sold out for Christ and has a Biblical Worldview in all areas of life as well. Why is this relevant to my vision - Because a strong wife in the Lord will benefit me and will be a help to my ministry. I want to wait on the Lord’s leading on this important step in life and let him lead and direct me down this pathway of life.